Kidney Stone Prevention and Treatment

If you do not want to deal with the excruciating pain caused by mineral deposits in your kidneys, you have to learn how to prevent kidney stones. Whether you do not want to experience this condition or you want to stop the formation of new stones, kidney stone prevention can always give you the chance to restore the proper balance in your body.

Causes of mineral deposits in kidneys

Before using any of the preventive measures mentioned in this article, you must first be aware of how they are usually developed. This way, you can address their root causes and prevent the formation of new mineral deposits in your kidney.

A healthy diet is a prerequisite to effectively preventing kidney stones. Drink plenty of fluid in order to prevent dehydration, one of the major risk factors for stone formation. Refrain from eating too much animal protein, sugar, and salt. Tea, chocolates, and spinach also contain high levels of oxalate stones that can lead to stone formation.

Some medical conditions can also result to the development of calcium deposits in your kidney. For example, gout can increase the level of uric acid in your urine and lead to the accumulation of uric acid stones. Hyperparathyroidism, diabetes, and other kidney diseases can also increase your susceptibility to stone formation.

Prevention steps

You can stop the formation of uric stones in three steps drink plenty of water, adopt a healthy diet, and take proper medication. Once you have done these preventive measures, you can forget all your worries about the pain and suffering caused by the accumulation of salt and minerals in your kidney.

Drinking large amounts of water is essential for kidney stones prevention. Water is one of the home remedies for kidney stones that can effortlessly dilute the excessive mineral and salt in your urine. If you are drinking plenty of water every day, you can decrease the chances of uric acid formation in your clear urine.

Dietary changes are also important to prevent kidney stones. A low-oxalate and low-calcium diet can do wonders in stopping the occurrence of stone formation. As much as possible, limit the amount of chocolate, peanuts, dairy products, and other high-calcium and high-oxalate foods in your diet.

Drinking medications for the prevention of kidney stones can also help by reducing the amount of stone-forming substances in your urine. After decreasing the amount of calcium, uric acid, and oxalate in your blood, they also inhibit the production of different enzymes that can cause the development of struvite stones in your kidney.

With these simple tips, you can learn how to prevent kidney stones and regulate the number of minerals and salt in your kidney. If you want a safe, natural, and effective way to get rid of and prevent kidney stones in the future, then read more about the kidney stone removal report right now.

Kidney stones treatment 

It depends on the type and the severity of your kidney stones. Doctors usually have to analyze their location and size to come up with a form of kidney stone treatment. These doctors will also tell you how to keep them from coming back by advising you about your diet and lifestyle.

Developing kidney stones is a common phenomenon. They are usually passed naturally by the kidneys if they are small enough to be transported through the urinary tract. Large stones, on the other hand, require a more severe treatment for kidney stones than smaller ones. They are usually treated with invasive kidney stone surgery or lithotripsy.

If your doctor analyzed your kidney stone to be small in size, he would then advise you to monitor your condition. Small kidney stones are passed without effort through urination. 

Getting Rid of the Pain

You may also be prescribed painkillers to alleviate the pain and a couple of muscle relaxants to allow your kidney stones to pass through your urinary tract freely. If, on the other hand, your kidney stones fail to be discharged through your urine, your doctor will advise you about other kidney stones treatments.

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, for example, utilizes strong shock waves to shatter the stones in your kidney. Once shattered, only sandy particles will remain which will be easier to discharge. This way of how to treat kidney stones is advised when you have kidney stones that are 1 cm in size.

During the procedure, you will be administered sedatives and asked to lie down on a cushion or submerge yourself in water. Strong shock shaves will then be delivered to your kidney for 45 to 60 minutes. Patients who undergo this method of treating kidney stones experience a couple of side effects. After the treatment, it is normal for people to witness blood in their urine, as well as bruising and pain in the back of their abdomen.

So if you’re experiencing sharp pain from your kidneys coupled with difficulty in urinating, consult a Kidney Stone Specialist in Coimbatore regarding possible kidney stone treatment options.


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